Module: Falling Asleep
Fall Asleep in 15-30 min
Main Outcome
Fall Asleep in 30 minutes or less
Additional benefits:
Be Free from External Sleep Aids
Control When or Where You Fall Asleep
Reduce Daily Sleepiness
How Insomnia Develops & Why It Persists
2 Main Leverages that Block or Promote Sleep and Ways to Optimize Them
Multiple Approaches and Methods to Treat and Improve Insomnia
Approach Sleep Systematically to Regain Full Control over it
Perfect and Retain the Skill of Falling Asleep for the duration of Your Life
BONUS SECTION: Increase Quality of Life through Sleep
BONUS SECTION: Treating Causes and (even) Preventing Insomnia
Module Includes
4+ hours of course materials.
12-Month 24/7 Digital Course Access
85+ Course eLessons
29 digitalized downloadable resources creating your personal Sleep Improvement Handbook and consisting of:
chapter summaries;
personal notes and observations;
checklists and practical sleep-related self-help guides.
A comprehensive scope of practical, hands-down approaches that are always presented in a clear understandable manner and immediately followed by an easy step-by-step guide to implementation.
Sleep improvement monitoring via a selection of key sleep performance indicators.
Improvement self-monitoring via comparison of pre and post-tool implementation states.
Implementation of additional measures to ensure long-term persistency of improvement.
Detailed Description
The module starts with setting up an insight into your sleep-related behaviors. In the next phase, the environmental factors are investigated and optimized. The following phase is an investigation and improvement of your sleep-impairing behaviors and habits in the afternoon, evening, and pre-sleep periods.
Only after the baseline is cleared we proceed to the core of the Module, which is the Part Falling Asleep. This part explains the insomnia types, their differences, causes, and drivers. Several proven approaches and techniques to combat each insomnia driver (motoric, mental, and emotional) are introduced to improve main sleep performance indicators in the short and medium term. Methods to prevent a resurgence of insomnia are presented as well.
The final part investigates the course participant's progress, provides advice and recommendations to improve the sleep results even further, and introduces additional methods to prevent a relapse. The final part is about improving your overall life satisfaction using sleep.
Why Digital Sleep Coaching
Progress at your Pace – you choose when you do the course.
Pragmatic – hands down methods with minimal theory. Additional sources are provided for curious minds.
Easy to grasp - content delivered in a structuralized, logical, simple, and easy to comprehend manner.
Improve only what is relevant for You - you choose what areas are relevant and how much emphasis you put on them.
Multimodal approach - every chapter has a mix of fast, easy wins and more challenging and profound, long-term improvements.
Digitalized Content – available anytime, anywhere.
Adaptable – several ways how you can approach almost every sleep-related area are presented. You decide in what manner and how intensely you intend to improve it.
Personal Sleep Improvement Manual - All sleep improvement activities and techniques, together with chapter summaries and your personal observations from the course are available in separate files ensuring that you may use or reuse them anytime you decide.
Lasting Improvement – a mix of cognitive and behavioral approaches, a relapse planning chapter, together with the Sleep Handbook ensure not only a short-term sleep improvement but diminish the possibility of insomnia reoccurrence to a minimum.

Why This Course
Results-oriented highly practical and easy-to-understand sleep-improvement self-help digital course.
Self-reliance: reduce or even remove the reliance on sleep aids.
4-Tiered Performance Guarantee:
1st Level: Your Active Participation and Completion of the Course.
2nd Level: Email Support from your Sleep Coach.
3rd Level: 1-on-1 Private Online sessions with the Sleep Coach if you do not reach your results.
4th Level: 45-Day 100% Satisfaction Money-Back-Guarantee if You Are not Seeing Desired Improvements.
Desktop or Tablet device to see the course content.
Pen/pencil and a possibility to print out the course materials.
For a duration of a few weeks (or until your goal is achieved): a 1h investment of your weekly time to listen to the materials. Plus a few minutes of daily reflection time before going to bed and after waking up during the course duration.
Willingness and openness to behavioral and mental change.
Active course participation and implementation in daily routines.
Daily persistency and diligence to stick with the new resolutions for a few nights to ensure sufficient observational period.
Objectively evaluate the newly implemented method's effectiveness and decide by yourself what works for You.
Complete the course gradually over a period of several weeks and do not rush through it.
Listen to theoretical parts to create a solid understanding of what influences your sleep to ensure a insomnia-free life.
45-day Money Back Guarantee
The first sleep improvements are noticeable at the end of the first three weeks in the case of active and regular course participation. More prominent improvements are usually seen after four weeks. The average timeframe in which our participants achieve desired goals takes 6 weeks (+/- 2 weeks). However, this number can vary as it depends on factors connected with the severity and longevity of existing sleep problems, general psychophysiological state, comorbid medical disorders, age, health, lifestyle, environment, attitude to the course (ie. regularity, seriousness, diligence, discipline, persistency, etc), and the cause of insomnia residing in other, not psychophysiological sleep disorders.
The course was developed to help you. If you will follow the instructions in the course yet will not experience noticeable improvements in 45 days, then you are eligible for full reimbursement of your investment.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor or a physician. The complete content in my coaching is my recommendation based on my experiences and personal research. Although all approaches in this course are based on psychological and/or behavioral treatment you are advised to consult your physician before implementing the proposed approaches, especially if you are currently or have a history of undergoing medical or psychological illnesses or disorders that have a direct or indirect influence on sleep.
Sleep Coaching does not replace the care of a medical provider or the patient’s medication. Sleep Coaching has not been cleared by the Medical or Psychological Authority (e.g. U.S. Food and Drug Administration). Participants must consult with their licensed medical doctor before making any changes to their prescribed medication or another type of medical treatment. Sleep Coaching is not for everyone (see more information here). In the presence of another sleep disorder, mental disorder, physiological effects of a substance, or a medical condition, or if in doubt, consult your licensed physician before starting Sleep Coaching.
Some methods in the Sleep Coach (e.g. Sleep Restriction) can cause sleepiness, especially at the beginning of the course. Do not use or start the program in emergencies, or if increased sleepiness in your workplace or daily life could result in danger or damage to you or your surroundings. Examples of professional activities where the timing of Sleep Coaching should be done under supervision may include: driving (truck, bus, rail); activities with quick reaction time and/or high precision requirements in cognitive and/or physiological areas (e.g. air traffic controllers, assembly line jobs, operators of heavy machinery, surgeons, etc).